We’ve seen it all, and we’re here to help.

King Aminpour Motorcycle Accident Lawyer has 20 years plus experience handling motorcycle accident cases in San Diego. Not only do we know the ins and out of the local courts and insurance companies for cases like yours, we also know how to handle your specific needs, from your motorcycle’s repair to your medical treatment and mental health.

We care about you as much as we care about your case.

We’re on your team

After you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, you might be overwhelmed by a growing number of concerns. Your medical bills are probably piling up, insurance companies might refuse to provide what you need, witnesses are difficult to track down, and you don’t know what your next step should be.

Stop worrying! You don’t need to do this alone.

What do we do?

After your motorcycle accident, we’ll help you through every stage of your recovery. Our job is only finished when your case is closed, and you’re satisfied with the resolution.

Following an initial consultation, our process includes several key steps:

  1. Get to know you and your specific case. In the beginning, we must become acquainted with the circumstances of your motorcycle accident. We want to know everything that happened from your perspective. If you gathered important information at the scene of the accident, including photos, descriptions and witness statements, share these details with your lawyer during the initial meeting. This meeting can take place in our office, or we’ll meet you where you are, whether it’s at home, in the hospital or at a nearby café.
  2. Address medical needs. Oftentimes, following a motorcycle accident, you will have immediate and ongoing needs for medical care. If you are not already under the care of a doctor, or if you would prefer to have a second opinion, we will refer you to quality medical care. Once your medical needs are assessed and we understand the extent of your injuries, we will have sufficient information to pursue a fair settlement with your insurance company and/or other drivers or property owners who were involved in the accident.
  3. Negotiate with insurance companies. We will address all matters related to your insurance company. If they require additional information before settling your case, or if they do not want to cover your expenses, we’ll handle brief and ongoing negotiations with the insurance company to maximize your settlement.
  4. Employ investigators. Oftentimes, insurance companies will rush to judgment, assuming the motorcycle rider was at fault for the accident. However, as we know, this is not always the case. If necessary, we will work with investigators to gain all of the facts and resolve unanswered questions about your accident. Motorcycle accident investigations and motorcycle reconstructions can reveal details about the incident that will identify responsible parties, impacting your insurance claims and possible litigation. With a thorough investigation, we can ensure the most successful outcome for you.
  5. Prepare for trial, if needed. Sometimes, these cases cannot be settled. In those cases, we’ll represent you in court and ensure you receive a fair settlement.
  6. Maintain contact. While we work together, we will remain in regular communication with you. You will be kept informed about all of our proposed next steps, questions or conflicts that arise with insurance companies or other involved parties.

What we want to know

During our initial meeting(s), we’ll ask you a series of detailed questions, some of which you might not expect. This is because we want to understand the full extent of your injuries. Occasionally, motorcycle accident victims sustain personal injuries that they are unaware of until hours or days after the incident.

We also want to understand the full effects of your personal injuries. Your ability to work might be diminished or completely impossible. Or, your lifestyle might be negatively impacted by the accident.

Whatever the case, when we understand the extent of your injuries and how they have affected your life, we will be prepared to provide you with the best possible settlement with your insurance company or any other parties that might be at fault for the accident.

What you deserve

In addition to property damage, you likely experienced significant personal injuries because of your motorcycle accident. You might face one or any combination of the following personal injuries for which we can help you recover with a fair insurance company settlement or lawsuit:

  1. Medical expenses
  2. Pain and suffering
  3. Emotional distress
  4. Lost or reduced wages
  5. Wrongful death of a loved one

You also deserve to recover any expenses incurred due to property damage, whether the damages were sustained by your motorcycle, clothing, jewelry or other belongings.

Understanding insurance companies

If the responsible party’s insurance company seeks to settle your claim before going to court, don’t agree too quickly! This type of settlement is final and cannot be adjusted at a later date.

Instead of rushing to a settlement decision, we will use care and patience to negotiate with your insurance company and another party’s insurance company. This way, you will be guaranteed the fairest and fastest possible settlement.

Whenever possible, we want to help you avoid taking your claim to court. However, if necessary, we will be prepared to take your case to trial.

Contact us today

We are expert motorcycle accident lawyers, providing the best representation you can find in San Diego. We have helped countless accident victims recover from their injuries. And we can do the same for you.

Contact us today for your initial consultation. Because the sooner we get started, the sooner we can get you back on the road to recovery.

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